Brook Valley School
Parent Information

Wellness Information
Brook Valley Wellness Assessment
A mission of ESU #3/Brook Valley School is to provide curriculum, instruction, and experiences in a health-promoting school environment and to instill habits of lifelong learning and health when providing services to our students. Each year, the Brook Valley Wellness team meets to review our school Wellness policy and discuss ways to promote health and wellness at Brook Valley School. Please see our Student Handbook for specific details about the wellness goals and activities including: School Lunch section (pg. 19), Health and Physical Education section (pg. 26), and our Wellness Policy (pg. 12-20). We also complete a Wellness self-assessment and identify areas for growth for the school year. Please see this year's report by clicking on the link above. Feel free to contact McKayla LaBorde, Director of Student Services with any questions about our Wellness program at 402-597-4941.

Triennial Wellness Assessment 23-24 Results

Brook Valley Calendar
Calendar 2024-2025

Handbook 2024-2025
 A signature receipt page will be sent to parents in the back-to-school mailings. Please return it to the school with your student's other paperwork. If you want a copy of the handbook, contact the school office.

Lunch Information
Brook Valley School Meal Program Information

Disclosure of Free and Reduced Price Information

USDA Non-Discrimination 

Online Lunch Payments
Brook Valley School offers an online payment option for our students' lunch accounts.


Click here for Online Lunch Payments