Head Start and Early Head Start are funded through federal grants administered by the Office of Head Start under the Administration for Children and Families. Head Start began as President Johnson’s War on Poverty. In 1965 Project Head Start started as an eight-week program giving children experiencing low income and transitioning to kindergarten a “head start”. This eight-week program continued to evolve over the years with the expansion to Early Head Start services happening in 1995.
A lifetime of success begins with a healthy foundation in early childhood. Since 1992, Sarpy County/ESU #3 Head Start has been providing quality early childhood services to children and families in Sarpy County experiencing low income. Comprehensive services are designed to prepare children for success in school and include health, nutrition, disability, and mental health services. The program helps strengthen families as staff work to provide services, connect families with community resources, and set goals that assist families to reach the level of self-sufficiency.
Center-Based Services:
Current Head Start programming includes 6 ½ hour programs for Head Start children ages 3-5. Early Head Start services include 7 ½ hour center-based programs for families with a work/school commitment. Children must be six weeks to 3 years of age. Teachers in both programs utilize a research-based curriculum. Family Advocates are also assigned to each family.
Home-Based Services:
Early Head Start also has once-a-week home base services for children ages birth through age 3. Home Visitors come to families' homes and provide comprehensive services. Home Visitors utilize a research-based curriculum that builds and strengthens parenting skills.
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